About Tactical IT Group Banking Services Division

Tactical IT Group’s Banking Services Division provides affordable outsourced banking solutions based upon proven strategies to oversee your regulatory requirements in IT and Information Security. Our customizable banking services result in improvements in IT oversight as well as eliminate the need for additional burdens of hiring the resources necessary for small and medium Institutions to fill their requirements for CIO and/or ISO.

Our strategy starts with an in-depth interview to understand your specific needs. Aren’t exactly sure what your needs are? No problem! We understand the regulatory requirements and can help to get them documented. Our Professionals become members of Your Team, and can take the lead in facilitating discussions and filling gaps. Our goal is to provide you with a customized plan that precisely meets your needs.

A Tactical IT Banking Services Division client benefits greatly when they choose to partner with us. Not only do they have more time to focus on servicing customers while we handle information security oversight, but they experience improvements in Audits, Regulatory Exams, and overall Information Security.

Information Security Officer and Information Security Program Oversight


Your Information Security Officer must fully comprehend the complexity of IT, your Financial Institution's network, as well as the ever-changing risks of customer information and privacy.



Per the FFIEC IT Examination handbook, your Information Security Officer (ISO) should:

  • Report directly to the Board or Senior Management
  • Have sufficient authority, stature within the organization, knowledge, background, training, and independence to perform their assigned tasks
  • Be independent of the IT Operations Staff; should not report to IT Operations Management
  • Be responsible for responding to security events by ordering emergency actions to protect the institution and its customers from imminent loss of information
  • Manage the negative effects on the confidentiality, integrity, availability, or value of information
  • Minimize the disruption or degradation of critical services


Business Continuity Management Oversight


Your Financial Institution's Business Continuity Management Plan represents how you will retain your reputation and stay competitive in the event of a disaster - whether an IT issue or any other factors (people, weather, utilities, etc.) that may affect critical services. The strategy to continually educate, plan, test, and update your procedures are vital. Regulators and auditors have confirmed that the Tactical IT Oversight methodology ensures that you are prepared and compliant.


Risk Management Oversight

Financial Institutions must base the decision to implement any product or service on a thorough analysis of benefit and associated risk. An Institution's “Risk Appetite” should govern their decision process. “Risk Management” has become the catalyst for identifying their overall risk profile. No matter what change is being considered, identification of potential operational, legal, strategic, and reputation risks provide Management a more complete picture, and an opportunity to address the exposure BEFORE making their decision.


Policies and Procedure Oversight

OracleXMicrosXPointXofXSaleXCustomersXResetXYourXPasswordsLet the Tactical IT professionals take over the tedious duty of ensuring your Policies and Procedures are current, compliant, and tested. We work hand-in-hand with your team to create policies and procedures that accurately match your strategic goals and initiatives while keeping you up to date with current regulatory requirements.


Resource Optimization/Segregation of Duties

Regardless of whether you have in-house resources, or are outsourcing your IT operation – the requirements for “Segregation of Duties” and “Adequate Reporting and Controls” is a challenge. Tactical IT’s Banking Services Division can provide project-based assistance, or an ongoing solution to maximize your resources and ensure a compliant IT strategy that meets the needs of your employees, regulators, and customers.


Vendor Management

business-2089530_640Financial regulatory agencies have shown that vendor management continues to be a top focus area on bank exams. Vendor selection, contract structuring, and ongoing management of third-party service providers are the consistent themes for "Due diligence.” Appropriate oversight includes monitoring, testing, and verifying your selected vendors – all of which can be very time-consuming for a limited staff. The team at Tactical IT Banking Services Division will ensure that your vendor management procedures are compliant with the regulatory requirements.


Committee Chair

Leverage our expertise in facilitating your committee meetings to ensure that your teams remain on-track: addressing, documenting, and moving forward.

  • Business Continuity Management Planning Committee
  • IT Steering Committee
  • Regulatory / Compliance Council


Cybersecurity Oversight

NewXKangarooIt’s a scary world out there! It is the Institution's responsibility (more specifically the Board of Directors/Senior Management) to ensure cybersecurity “Comprehension, Oversight, and Compliance”. Our Banking Services Division provides you with resources to manage the FFIEC Cybersecurity Risk Assessment, train your employees and Board, as well as ensure Policies are adequately addressing ever-changing cyber risks.


Project Management

Do you have ongoing or upcoming projects that are pulling focus from your limited IT staff? Utilizing our Project Management strategies, we can provide the skills and structure to manage, document, and oversee the initiatives – as well as coordinate staff training upon completion!


Strategic Planning

We can help ensure that your institution remains strong in its service to customers, stakeholders, employees, and the community by evaluating your current situation and helping you anticipate future possibilities that are in line with your overall Strategic Plan. Our methodology elicits input from the Institution's key departments to analyze your IT environment, and leverages the results to develop short-term goals and long-term strategies that are in line with your competition and budget!


Audit and Regulatory Exam Preparation/Post Findings Resolution

When issues are identified, the clock is ticking to quickly address and resolve the findings! Our Banking Services Division team has expertise in IT Regulatory Compliance and Audits, and understands the IT Examination Handbook. We can provide you with strategies and solutions to satisfy concerns, and resolve those issues - FAST!